Friday, September 30, 2011

Mobile blogging

So this is a first for me... I have had blogs before, but never was I able to post quite this easily.

So when Apple says "there's an app for that", they aren't joking!

Okay, so just to clear up misconceptions, it should be known that I am not actually using a cell phone. I am utilizing my iPod touch with the help of wifi.

Either way, this way of posting is uber easy, well minus the tiny one finger touch keyboard.

Just had to share my delight :-)


It's a wonder that only the beholder can actually know what his eye can see. Perception can be anything, and everything, sometimes nothing at all.

This girl can see havoc, despair and ignorance galore...That is just today. Tomorrow is another story.

Sometimes it's nice just to shut everything and everyone one out of your life.

Prescription: self awareness
Take a moment to love the fact that no one will ever know exactly what you are thinking when you're looking at someone or something. There, is one thing you will always have under your control, especially when you seem to be losing it in every direction you look.